Taking a bite...

Taking a bite...

of the Big Apple!

Cliche or not, this was my first trip to NYC and it SO. FAR. EXCEEDED. my expectations! (Heads up for a lot of exclamation points in this post.)

Probably no one can truly prepare you for the adventure that is New York City. All my life I’ve been asked if I’m Jewish, from New York. For years I had no idea what that meant. With age and experience, I’ve better learned what this stereotype is and after this trip to NYC I fully embrace this compliment!

When I graduated high school in 1983 I wanted to go somewhere as far away and different from Albuquerque as possible. This was New York. I had a pen pal that lived in Queens in those days, his letters helped me add flavor to what this fuzzy picture looked like. My dreams to study Fashion Illustration in The Big City were enhanced by torn photos from Vogue magazine by the work of my hero, Antonio Lopez.

For a family as ours, this dream was not possible. And I dare wonder, were there even any programs for this career path in those days? I ended up going to an Art School in Denver— a very good substitute for those big ambitions, but a substitute none-the-less.

After a lifetime of wondering and hearing about New York from well-traveled dear friends and my mom, I finally arrived. And I have our daughter to thank for this. Even though she grew up in California for most of her years, NYC and Columbia have always been her dream. She worked incredibly hard to make this happen and on Sunday with great pride we delivered her to the next step in her journey.

This trip was transformational in so many ways: the change to parental “empty nester” status, the return to air travel after 4 static years of family life, a hoist from a creative slump. I write this post to remember; to have record that the world CAN open up and still has so much to show me, which in turn expands the mind, body and soul.

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