= January Calendar =

= January Calendar =


Happy New Year, friends!

As I enjoy my review of 2014 client work and events a personal project that was on the back burner all this past year comes to mind as something that's ready to see the light of day.

The idea for this lettering work began in late 2013 when again I got to see my all-time favorite band, X play a show here in Petaluma. As hoped, that show was raw, intense, and the anything-is-possible feeling from my youth was re-ignited. In the late 70s and early 80s early punk and hardcore bands like The Clash, X, Gang of Four, Black Flag, T.S.O.L. and The Minutemen were writing songs to inspire, to call attention to social injustice, and to affect change. The poetry of a good punk song represents a DIY culture that proposed we could make a difference if we acted on our beliefs.

I’ve chosen some favorite short phrases of punk song lyrics to flourishly illustrate these expressions that were of such importance to me and my generation. I'm calling the series #PunkLyric Words to live by and I'm offering them as free desktop calendar downloads each month. This month's phrase is from the Sex Pistols' classic, God Save the Queen.

Click image to download and please enjoy... and, go discover some new/old music!


Note: These cannot be used elsewhere or commercially. The artwork is mine and the lyrics are ownership of the original songwriters and bands. Artist and writer Emily McDowell explains the intellectual property copyright limitations for us really well right here.

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