Looking back and stepping forward...

Looking back and stepping forward...

Gosh golly what happened to the month? I've been plugging away at future plans and products. Many client projects will be out on the market this year so I'm excited to see final results! ...And I'm still basking in the memory of precious time with my mom and family in New Mexico over Christmas. Here's a little visual wrap-up.1. Indian fabric. Pillowcase at my 94 year old grandma's house in Santa Fe. 2. Sunrise at Albuquerque airport... nothing like the skies of New Mexico. 3. Plans for this personal lettering project. Loving Instagram. 4. Mom's pet roadrunner in her front yard! Really, there are two and they live in the cypress trees. 5. Poster for the movie Choreography, a documentary short my friend Robin saw at Sundance.
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