Ah... May! The month of last minute school projects, prepping for summer break and TRADESHOWS! The booth designs, promo card parades and jittery blogs are up and I’m following like a true sports fan! Since refocusing on my illustration work almost 3 years ago, each year I’ve dreamed of attending Surtex and the National Stationery show in NYC. Add to that, Spring QUILT MARKET is happening in Pittsburg this very same weekend... and I have a fabric line to see! News and peeks of the collection will come later this summer.
With all the online hubbub pulling on my heart strings I asked myself: “Instead of feeling like you’ll never get there, what would you make if you were attending Surtex this year?” And this #SurtexDreaming promo was born... it’s all about intention, baby! And, donkeys!
I've added new projects and mock ups to my website. Most work in progress and other fun finds I post on Instagram. If you see something of interest, let’s connect!
For those of you exhibiting/attending Surtex for the first time, or as a seasoned pro, I wish you great success and fun! Here are a few folks (and some friends!) you may also want to follow throughout the events:
SURTEX: Elizabeth Olwen | Kathy Weller | Josephine Kimberling | Stephanie Ryan | Lauren Minco | Brittany Holland | Dinara Mirtalipova | Denise Holmes | Brandi Powell | Sarah Hudock | Alex Columbo | Amy Schimler-Safford | Bari J. | Ana Davis | Happy Happy Art Collective | Forest Foundry | Dotty Wren | Lilla Rogers Studio | Pink Light Studio | Meehan Design Group | Monica Lee, SCW NATIONAL STATIONERY SHOW: Emily McDowell | Claudia Pearson QUILT MARKET: Penguin & Fish | Pat Sloan | Jennifer Paganelli | Bonnie Christine | Cotton + Steel